(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I just posted this on the message boards and thought readers might enjoy it as well. As most of you know, my husband has been unemployed for the past 3 months, with more and more stores shutting down, we don’t expect that to change, at least till we move back out west. In the mean time, we...
Monthly Archives: January 2009
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I was reminded today while reading an email I received, that there are some products out there, that simple do far more than their original purpose. For instance in this example, coffee filters. Priced at a dollar, at most of your dollar stores, they can apparently be used for more things that you ever imagined. 1....
Limit your trips to the store with a few simple steps. In these times of economic stress, and the stress of not knowing if you will be the next to lose your job, most of us are making the effort to stretch our pennies farther than ever, whenever possible. My husband and I have been working to develop a mindset, that first asks “can we do without?” before it...
Make your coffee at home, do not swing through the drive through for a cup. You might not realize how much money this simple tip will save you, but over time it can really add up. For example my husband loves his Starbucks! Unfortunately our pocket books do not love his Starbucks! He goes for the big cup with an extra shot in it (honestly I have no clue what the extra...
A common complaint I hear is how families spend good money on fruits and vegetables, that don’t get eaten. Learning not to buy what you won’t eat, and eat what you buy is part of the equation, but inevitably, you will end up with withered lettuce and leathery apples eventually. The good news is that all is not lost, many fruits and veggies can be used past their prime,...
Part 3 of a 4 part series about eating the Frugalest Diet and Healthy too. Part 1: Frugal-est Meals and Healthy Too! Part 2: Getting Your Family to Accept a Healthier Diet In our last 2 posts, we talked about how it is possible to eat frugal and healthy. In this post I will share tips to buy and cook healthy meals that don’t cost a fortune. In the American culture...
Part 2 of a series on Frugal Healthy meals Part 1 Frugal-est Meals and Healthy Too! One of the most difficult issues facing parents today, is how to adapt a families diet, to create Healthy and frugal at the same time. It takes a bit of adapting on the part of your family members, and it is your job to figure out how to make that transition as painless as possible. As...