Today is Mother’s Day, a special day set aside for us all to let our moms know exactly how much we appreciate all their love, hard work, and patience. But, if this year’s celebration snuck up on you, then don’t worry! Here are some frugal and quick last-minute gifts that your mom will love even more than some expensive gadget from the store!
1. Make a handmade card
Instead of spending $3 on a card from Hallmark and simply signing your name, take the time to make your mother a card by hand, and write something really meaningful on the inside. Not only does it save money, but the result will mean even more to Mom than anything you could have purchased.
2. Bring her breakfast in bed
If you live with a mom, why not surprise her by bringing her breakfast in bed? There’s nothing better than waking up to a hot cup of coffee and a prepared meal from your loved ones. Bonus points if you can make something she loves to eat!
3. Give her the day off
Moms work really hard all the time, whether it’s working a regular job or taking care of the family (or both!) so for this mother’s day, why not give her the day off? Let her relax and do whatever she wants while you take care of everything else. Do all the cooking, cleaning, dishes, and refill her drink. Whatever she needs. Let her really get to enjoy herself without worry for the day!
4. Create a memory box
Get an old shoebox and spend some time writing down your favorite memories of your mother. If you have small objects or photos, these are also good to add to the box. If you have kids, make sure that they add to the memories as well. Write each on a separate sheet of paper, then place them inside a decorative box so Mom can read them whenever she likes! Chances are some of your favorite memories are also hers as well.
5. Bake cookies
Nothing says love like hot homemade cookies fresh out of the oven. Surprise mom this mother’s day with her favorite sweet treats! If you’re not comfortable baking or don’t know how to do it, then why not ask Mom to help, and make a family activity out of learning how to make the recipe?
6. Create a coupon book
Mom probably does a lot of things for the whole family, so instead of simply giving her one day free of chores and such, why not give her a coupon book full of free chores that she can redeem when she’s not feeling well or simply needs an extra helping hand to get things done? This is a great option if you have children as well, as they can each donate ideas to the coupon book.
7. Write her a letter
Your mother probably knows how much you love her and appreciate what she does, but having it written down can really mean a lot more than just hearing it. For this mother’s day, take the time to sit down and write her a nice letter about how much you care and how much her support and love throughout the years has meant to you.
8. Spend time with her
Easily the best gift you can ever give your mom is to spend time with her, not only on Mother’s day, but on other days as well. Take the time to sit and talk to her, listen to her stories, and let her know that she means the world to you.
And to all the moms out there, I hope that you have a fantastic mother’s day!