You Are Browsing ‘Frugal Living’ Category

So, we’ve already talked about making a budget and sticking to it. But what if, when you made your budget, you found yourself in the negative? How do you cut costs without paying bills late or making some major sacrifices? Depending on how much extra you need, it’s not likely as hard as you think. Here are some tips for making your money stretch just...

If you’re trying to get control of your finances, one of the best things you can do is to make sure that you are balancing your checkbook every single month. Even if you do your checking online, it’s important to do this not only so you can track exactly how much money is in your account, but so that you know where all your money is going and ensure that...

There are plenty of ways to show someone that you love them, but unfortunately in today’s society it often involves money. You don’t need to take someone to a nice dinner, spoil them with the latest fads, or even go out to a movie every week to show someone love— there are plenty of other ways! 1) Ask Ask them how their day was, ask them what they think...

It’s that time of the year again. ‘Tis the season for giving and cheer, but unfortunately December expenses can add up fast. There are still plenty of activities to keep you entertained this holiday season, though, and today I want to share with you 12 of my favorite options! By no means do you need to try to accomplish everything on this list, but with...

Christmas is hard if you’re on a tight budget. If you were to search for ‘cheap DIY gifts’ you’ll find all kinds of things but most of them actually cost way more in materials than anything else. It’s almost enough to make you want to just forgo the entire thing! But don’t fret—there are some frugal options that are great for...

Saving money and being frugal is a great way to live, and it can not only lessen stress and lead to more financial freedom, but it is actually extremely rewarding as well. Watching your bank account slowly grow (or your debts shrink) is a great feeling. But, just like with all things that are hard, sometimes we all fall off the bus or simply are forced to work contrary...

Since we’ve already talked about DIY cleaning supplies for the kitchen and bathroom as well as DIY supplies to survive laundry day, it’s time to wrap up the rest of the house! Not only does making your own cleaning supplies help to keep your home all-natural, it’s insanely cost effective. Glass Cleaner 1/4 cup vinegar 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol 2...

As previously promised, I’d like to continue my roundup of DIY cleaning supplies. Making your own cleaning supplies not only helps your home remain natural by not bringing unwanted chemicals in, it’s REALLY cost effective! Since there are so many types of cleaners out there, we’ll break it down by use. We already discussed DIY cleaning supplies...

I’m a sucker for natural supplies, which is what first introduced me to making my own cleaning supplies. Quickly, though, I learned how cheap it was! Most cleaning supplies that you can make on your own have a ton of overlapping ingredients, which means you can buy the supplies in bulk and watch your savings multiply! I realize there are quite a few different...

Winter is finally here, and that means that the days are shorter, the wind is a little sharper, and motivation, for me, is at an all-time low. Add to all the darkness and cold the constant pressure to buy, buy, buy, and it’s understandable that people can get a little depressed during the cold months. But don’t fear! There are ways that you can combat...