This is part one in a series about getting started on making money on the Internet. Stay tuned in the next few days for Part 2!
Making money online is a topic many People ponder on. It has been an increasingly important question faced by stay at home moms as the desire to stay home with their children wars with the need to bring extra income into the home. Rising prices at the grocery store and skyrocketing energy costs are making it harder than ever for mom to make that decision.
So instead of going out and looking for a job, many moms are heading to the internet in the effort to find ways to earn the extra cash needed to make ends meet.
The problem is that most of these people have no idea how to do this or when they find something that interests them they try it for a bit of time and when it does not work they quit, thinking that they just do not have what it takes.
The other problem that faces many moms searching for a way to make money is that there are too many people that are either out there to rip them off or the programs cost money with no way of knowing whether the cost is worth the product you get.
You do not need to spend money to get started with making money, there are a number of resources out there that are free that will show you how to do this. As time goes on you may decided you do need to spend money to increase your knowledge, that is ok though because by this time you will have the knowledge and resources you need to know what products will answer the questions you most need answered.
OK So How Do I Do It?
Making money online can really be broken down into two categories:
Building – both your own websites and helping others build theirs. You can bet that if you are looking to build websites to make money there are lots of people out there trying to do the same. This can included writing, graphics, web design, blogging and much much more. More about this later.
Marketing – This is a wide category that involves many different things, you can market your own product which can be anything from crafts to an eBook. You can market other people’s products this is called affiliate marketing and it is a huge multi million dollar business that is still not even close to saturated. Or you can sell, either through drop shipping or eBaying your own things or those you find in your community.
This is only just the beginning
I did a post some months back about different ways to make extra money, but I think I am going make this into a series of articles that goes more into depth about many of the different ways to make money and some of the free resources available to learn about them. There is just too much information to put in one blog post. So stay tuned as we explore the basics of earning money on the Internet.
Before I finish this post however there is one more important thing you should know.
The Only Things you Need to Succeed
By now I imagine many of you are saying that you do not know how to do any of that and that you do not have the talents and skills to accomplish the things I have mentioned.
My response is that if you knew the number of moms, dads and kids that are out there making a full time income or more that had no skills or special talents to bring into their business you would be asking instead “why am I not out there doing this?”.
Then of course you would cite the grim statistics about how many people fail trying to start an Internet business. Guess what? Those people that fail at their business did not read the above!! when things did not go their way they quit thinking that somehow they did not have what it took to succeed.
Here is What you Need –
Persistence – Never never give up, if something is not working for you there are three approaches you should take.
1) Keep Trying – while you keep reading trying to figure out what more you may need to do or what you might be doing wrong. Most times you may just lack the knowledge that you need to be effective, keep at it and keep learning you will figure it out.
2) Be Flexible – If things are not working right – be willing to change your approach multiple times till you find what does work. Try a new product or makes tweaks to the old one, you will eventually find the approach that works for you. Do not mistake this for not staying focused though, if you are trying a certain discipline for marketing for instance stick with the discipline until you have very good reason to change. Learn all you can about it, and make your tweaks with in that focus. If you bounce your focus all over the place you will never learn enough about anything to make it work.
3) Be Open to Opportunity – While staying focused is a good thing, you should always keep yourself open to opportunity. It may come in the form of a niche product that ends up selling extremely well, or in an entirely different way to make money that you stumble across by accident. For many people this is how their fortunes are made by inadvertently stumbling across an opportunity and being savvy enough to snap up on it and make it work for them.
Above all do not give up, be persistent and stay committed, if you do these three things it will not be a matter if you are lucky enough or if you are talented enough, it will only be a matter of when things all fall into place in the right order for you. It may take 2 weeks or it may take 2 years, but it will happen if you work hard and stay focused on the goal.